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When Passion Starts to Fade

A woman standing on a dock looking out over  the ocean.  A quote above her head reads, "Grit is sticking with your future day in, day out and not just for the week, not just for the month, but for years." - Angela Lee Duckworth

This post was originally published on October 1, 2020, on Instagram as part of Her Growth Collective.


Angela Duckworth is one of the foremost experts on grit, she literally wrote the book. Through her research, Duckworth shows that grit is the biggest determinate of success, even surpassing natural talent.

Duckworth defines grit as a special blend of passion and persistence. It’s easy to see why this blend is needed. Dogged persistence is not much fun and passion that burns hot and fast doesn’t last. We need the passion to fuel our energy and the persistence to go the distance.

But what do you do when the passion starts to fade? Tap into the warm fuzzies. ☺️

Dreaming about the future, as cheesy as it sounds, can bring big energy if you allow it to. Hope carries us through when things seem to fall apart. Remembering our why puts everything in perspective.

Do all three and either the flames of passion will return to a roar or you will realize that the journey you are on is no longer meant for you. Sometimes passion ends, and that’s okay too. Move on to your next passion and get back in the game. Your future success will build on the progress you’ve made to-date.


This post is written in partnership with #HerGrowthCollective, encouraging women to walk the path of self-development together.


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