Procrastination Is Not Always Bad

This post was originally published on August 25, 2022, on Instagram as part of Her Growth Collective.
Sometimes resistance is a good thing. A GREAT thing even!
Listen, I could tell you that resistance is just your fear holding you back. And that might be true.
I could tell you procrastination is your way of getting in your own way. And that might be true too.
But I’m actually here to tell you to listen to your resistance. There’s a pretty good chance it’s actually your intuition telling you that something’s not quite right here.
If you’re feeling resistance about something, interrogate that feeling. Reflecting on the feeling will help you know if it’s fear or something else. If you can’t quite put your finger on why, but you still feel yourself hesitating, it’s probably your instinct kicking in.
That instinct, that’s you. That’s your innate wisdom.
Learn to trust that.
This post is written in partnership with #HerGrowthCollective, encouraging women to walk the path of self-development together.